Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that frightens us

Marianne Williamson

5KM RADIUS Exhibition at Magnet Galleries - 15 October 2020

Fitzroy Gardens, East Melbourne

A short drive to the Fitzroy Gardens through the seasons of Autumn, Winter and Spring, with my dog Ted, I have watched the many exotic trees change their colour from green to vibrant colours of yellow, orange and red. We have run through the leaves, throwing them up in the air and running underneath them as they fell. I have drawn strength from the strong, aged, structural trunks and bare branches on the cold winter days. 

As Spring arrived, it has been a joy to watch, first the jonquils then the daffodils and now bluebells showing off their open, frilly faces with the tips of the buds of leaves of mighty trees beginning to reveal themselves. Truly blessed to live close to this beautiful Melbourne park as we all work hard to overcome our isolation and loneliness.

           Kane’s Bridge, Studley Park, Kew

A hair’s breadth within the 5km radius, through Autumn, Winter and now Spring, with my dog Ted, we have walked the tracks along the Yarra River. We have smelt and touched the natural Australian flora with many species of gum trees. We have seen the illusive resident kangaroo and heard the kookaburras, king parrots, lorikeets, a shag a tree and now ducks, lorikeets and magpies nesting as the yellow puffs of wattle blossomed into Spring.

Making the most of our time out of doors and finding pleasing isolation, runners huffing past us, police checking our distance travelled, other dogs sniffing and running and have been able to smile at people with our eyes. Blessed to find a relief from the loneliness of solo isolation.